Wednesday, 8 November 2017

A letter to you..

I’m doing something, being somebody..
All the while wanting to sit somewhere quiet
And talk to you the whole night…
The wish comes and it steals my thoughts and makes me think of you…..
But there’s no you….

I wonder about the place by the side of the railway tracks
Where I walked, lost in the nadir of my heart’s darkness;
Where I grew up, and where I used to go to bury things,
I used to go there to say goodbye.
And I witnessed all the years passing by…

In silence I tried to kill the voices that haunted me,
One way or the other,
Leaving sin on my body;
Scrubbing tears off with salt-
I built my rituals in farewells…
And there were the endings I still cling to.

I saw the waves that die before they reach the shore
And I see the waves as ‘time’ –
It takes some things away, but it brings other things….
I take out the blue pen and start writing to you again..
Asking you to meet me where the sky touches the sea
And to wait for me where the world begins….
For in those rusted rails I realized –
Love isn’t found – it’s built..

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